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SigmaNEST 25 Suite Highlights

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SigmaNEST 25 software suite expands user potential with several easy-to-use features including SigmaNEST Copilot AI assistant to guide programming decisions and support questions.

Copilot AI assistant offers instant online help anytime, anywhere

SigmaNEST Copilot offers intuitive guidance on essential topics like CAD imports, geometry editing, and licensing with intelligent answers. Copilot is available in 19 languages.

  • The new SigmaNEST Copilot is an AI assistant designed to streamline the SigmaNEST experience, powered by Microsoft and OpenAI. SigmaNEST Copilot answers questions about SigmaNEST processes, from CAD import tips to licensing help, making it your ultimate software guide. SigmaNEST 25 users will find Copilot directly within SigmaNEST as well as online at
  • SigmaNEST Copilot offers intuitive guidance on essential topics like CAD imports, geometry editing, and licensing with intelligent answers. Copilot is available in 19 languages, ensuring global users can access information in their preferred language. SigmaNEST Copilot is available as part of the SigmaNEST interface to make the programming workflow smoother. It is also accessible on the Connect site ( for quick troubleshooting or to learn more about specific features.
  • SigmaNEST Connect ( now lets users upload Pack and Send files directly to the Connect Site, simplifying case creation and file sharing for convenient support interaction. The new Single Sign-On (SSO) streamlines login and links the desktop products to cloud services, available to maintenance customers.

Improved CAD/CAM improves cutting, punch & part removal

  • Hyper-efficient HD SuperNest engine now supports floating leadins to ensure accuracy. HD SuperNest automatically adjusts the leadin position of each rotated or mirrored part to ensure cutting quality and efficiency.
  • Users can also move leadins and apply NC with a single click in “NC By Contour” and “Go To” modes, ensuring a safe and efficient toolpath.
    Hyperefficient HD SuperNest engine in v25 now supports floating leadins to ensure accuracy.
    Hyper-efficient HD SuperNest engine now supports floating leadins to ensure accuracy.
  • Motion enhancements include the Common Cut Matching Length feature which now supports Multi Part Common Cut with the HD Advanced Trueshape Engine. Also added, the Cut/Rapid/Cut Delay feature provides a more stable cutting process by keeping parts attached to the sheet longer, reducing torch collision risks.
    The Cut/Rapid/Cut Delay feature provides a more stable cutting process by keeping parts attached to the sheet longer, reducing torch collision risks.
    The Cut/Rapid/Cut Delay feature provides a more stable cutting process by keeping parts attached to the sheet longer, reducing torch collision risks.
  • Programming punch/profile combo machines is now much easier with Auto Complete NC. The automation recognizes profile NC, checks for incomplete tooling, and completes punching on a part that is partially programmed with profile NC.
    Users can move leadins and apply NC with a single click in “NC By Contour” and “Go To” modes, ensuring a safe and efficient toolpath.
    Users can move leadins and apply NC with a single click in “NC By Contour” and “Go To” modes, ensuring a safe and efficient toolpath.
  • SigmaNEST now supports the Mazak Smart Cell part removal system, allowing multiple grippers to pick parts from the nest in any order. Grippers are coded by color in the pickup and drop display for easy programming.

More press brakes for SigmaBEND AP

  • SigmaBEND AP now supports Murata MOS, Schiavi Titano, and Durma DT10 and DT15 controls, expanding compatibility with various press brake machines. Additionally, flat pattern files can include a symbol to show the first bend and direction, reducing confusion for symmetrical parts.

Optimized bundling for fewer saw cuts, quality controls for tube cutting

  • SigmaCTL now supports part creation for Angle and Channel parts without web or flange radius, common in aluminum materials. It also improves bundle nesting for Angle, Channel, and I-beam profiles with Nested and Stacked options. Bundle Rules now give more control over bundle sizes, shapes and dimensions based on material and profile.
    Bundle nesting in SigmaCTL has been improved for Angle, Channel, and I-beam profiles with Nested and Stacked options.
    Bundle nesting in SigmaCTL has been improved for Angle, Channel, and I-beam profiles with Nested and Stacked options.
  • SigmaTUBE SW Cut Quality Rules now support automatic edge breaking for bevel quality changes due to angle differences. Also, users can stop nesting early to review and adjust settings, improving efficiency.
    SigmaTUBE SW Cut Quality Rules now support automatic edge breaking for bevel quality changes due to angle differences.
    SigmaTUBE SW Cut Quality Rules now support automatic edge breaking for bevel quality changes due to angle differences.

Power boosts from improved APIs, importing, reporting & work orders

  • Using SigmaNEST 25 is easier and faster than ever with UI enhancements like right-clicking to change tasks or choose machines. Report generation for large tasks is several times faster! A 40-layout task with 4,000 parts that could take seven minutes is now just over one minute!
  • SigmaNEST New Task Reports now include piercing and contour metrics, along with enhanced visibility into machine performance, operational efficiency, and production costs.
  • APIs are more versatile than ever for SigmaNEST 25, allowing businesses to finetune the SigmaNEST platform within their own system environment. SigmaNEST continues to expand the power of APIs to things like managing user profiles, applying pre-tab placement, and loading parts by specifying a job number.
  • CAD Import Direct for Inventor allows users to filter and choose Model States for part creation. Model States allow CAD Engineers to create multiple variations of a part or assembly within a singular part or assembly file.
  • Work orders give expanded visibility and control for programmers with more options to edit part quantities or sheet weights, view rejected quantity, change part priorities, and even put work orders on hold.
    CAD Import Direct for Inventor allows users to filter and choose which model states to use for part creation.
    CAD Import Direct for Inventor allows users to filter and choose which model states to use for part creation.

Quick paperless control for counting inventory and offloading parts

  • Color Offload is now available via tablet on the Shop Manager web platform. An expanded view aids the unloading process, with options like view by part tile. Users can also assign colors to parts based on the next operation and other options to make the job clearer.
    Color Offload can now be used on a mobile tablet as part of the Shop Manager web platform, keeping the same licensing as the desktop version.
    Color Offload can now be used on a mobile tablet as part of the Shop Manager web platform, keeping the same licensing as the desktop version.
  • The task of performing physical inventory is much easier on a handy mobile device. The new Inventory module on the Shop Manager app is a quick way to track inventories and record any variance with actual numbers.
    The Inventory module in Shop Manager adds the ability to perform physical inventory on a tablet.
    The Inventory module in Shop Manager adds the ability to perform physical inventory on a tablet.

Graceful control of business systems through APIs & faster performance

  • SigmaMRP offers a new API token system for integration outside the SigmaNEST platform. The APIs offer a wide variety of commands to automate common tasks. SigmaMRP 25 makes it easier to administer with presets for minimum access for new users, as well as built-in analytics and security alerts.
  • With the new C# coding, SigmaMRP 25 offers a clean contemporary UI along with faster performance. Newdialog windows give quick access to handle goods received, edit batch quantities, and save assembly images on the file system.
    SigmaMRP provides users better visibility and control of goods received along with the capability to edit batch quantites.
    SigmaMRP provides users better visibility and control of goods received along with the capability to edit batch quantites.
  • SimTrans 25 offers a myriad of advancements for speed and automation. High-volume SN 90 transactions are significantly faster, and disruptions to SQL Server connections are handled gracefully by the new SimTranswith the automated return to processing.
  • Performance improvements for SimTrans 25 include support for .sql files for scheduling. Many common tasks such as cleanup can be automated with direct SQL commands. SimTrans 25 also automatically schedules job operations when the status changes to “order,” ensuring seamless visibility across the SigmaNEST ecosystem.

Connecting CAD/CAM, Shop Floor and Business Systems

SigmaNEST 25 elevates the programming experience and operational efficiency for fabricators with productivity boosters throughout the SigmaNEST system. The new Copilot AI assistant is the ultimate software guide offering intuitive advice 24/7 in 19 languages. Programmers can control a broader machine range including press brakes and part removal systems for efficient motion and process integration. For a nimble shop floor, Shop Manager brings mobile tablet control to the machine for offloading parts and throughout the shop for performing physical counts for inventory. Here are highlights from the new release.

Product Highlight Videos

SigmaNEST Copilot for v25
HDSuperNest Dynamic Leadins
Cut Rapid Cut Delay Common Cut Strategy
NC By Contour Move Leads
SigmaCTL Open Section Bundles
SigmaCTL Bundle Rules
SigmaTUBE for SOLIDWORKS - Quality Rule Improvements
Color Offload Web for the shop floor
Shop Manager Physical Inventory
SigmaMRP - Edit Goods Received (GRN)
SigmaMRP - Edit Available Quantity
SigmaNEST CAD Import Direct for Inventor - Model States

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