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CAD Integration

Import 2D parts or 3D assemblies and automatically calculate part cost and cutting time

Versatile CAD import for parts and assemblies

  • SigmaNEST natively imports DXF, DWG, DSTV and STEP files. Our optional CAD Import Direct and Plus modules expand the range to include all major 3D CAD formats as well as PDF and image files.

Powerful CAD filtering and property mapping

  • Whether importing 2D or 3D files, SigmaNEST offers interactive mapping tools to choose which elements to import for part creation. From 2D mapping options for Layer/Color/Line Type to the robust property filtering for 3D, SigmaNEST CAD Import lets users define desktop settings for similar files without the need to reconfigure.

CAD Import designed for sheet metal

CAD Import Direct

  • SigmaNEST CAD Import Direct integrates with major 3D CAD packages, using their specific API to retrieve critical geometry and feature details to recreate part geometry in SigmaNEST. CAD Import Direct filters assemblies and multibody files according to CAD properties to determine which parts to import, and maps the CAD property data to SigmaNEST part data fields.
  • CAD Import Direct creates a deeper connection between SigmaNEST and a specific CAD software through advanced filtering tools and flat pattern recognition for formed sheet metal parts. CAD Import Direct also stays up to date with the latest version of the CAD software.
  • CAD Import Direct requires a local installation of the 3D CAD package and license availability and offers more advanced filtering and process mapping options.
CAD Integration 

CAD Import Plus

Modules Included

tick-green = Included, tick-yellow = Additional module required, tick-blue = Available in supporting CAD systems
Note*: CAD Import Direct requires local CAD Installation

Base SigmaNEST CAD Import Direct * CAD Import Plus
Supported CAD Formats
Filters and Mapping
Design for Manufacturing (DFM) Support
Workflow Automation

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